Farm Insurance

Farm Insurance is important, whether you grow grapes, run cattle, farm avocados or produce one of the many wonderful products we are lucky enough to have in the great, but very challenging, state of California. We are here to help!
We understand operating a farm is a dream come true for many Americans, but it’s also a very risky business. We know living as a farmer takes many hours of hard work and a major financial commitment. It’s a lifestyle, not just a job. Natural disasters, crop failure, and sick livestock can all threaten your livelihood.
The key to a successful farming venture is having a great partner who can identify risks and plan for the worst-case scenario with a well-drawn out risk management plan and sufficient insurance coverage. You can use the best practices, hire the right workers, and buy the safest equipment possible, but accidents still happen. If you’re a crop farmer, insuring your crops is crucial because a bad year could bankrupt you without the proper insurance. Do you have enough property and liability insurance if the unthinkable happens? What about disability insurance for workers who might get injured? Do you know what resources you have to get this coverage at a low cost?
When you carry adequate farm & crop insurance, you can focus on your farm knowing these hazards will be taken care of if necessary.
If you’re looking for a partner to help you navigate the complex world of insurance, we are up for the challenge.
Our partners include:
- Nationwide
- Travelers
- Zenith
- Liberty Mutual
- Grange
- Chubb
- And many more
Give us a call at 559-594-5500
Please be ready to send us any of your current contracts, as it is the most efficient way to start.
We want to earn the right to handle your insurance needs.